Life through the Google Glass

The Independent reports on a patent application made by Google in 2011 and flagged by Engadget on 15th October this year, that would allow uses of a wearable ‘head-mounted display’ (HMD) to make hand gestures to initiate applicable actions. The HMD in question is most obviously GoogleGlass and the patent makes specific reference to to gestures that include a heart, to like and automatically share life and images with definable social networks. This is cool! But at what future cost…

Thinking About Thought

From the home page:

'Imagine that 'sight' is a limited resource. It is made available to each of us for just one year between our twenty-first and twenty-second birthdays. All of our existence up to the age of twenty-one is spent in (what sighted people imagine as) darkness and we will return to that same darkness forever on reaching the age of twenty-two. On returning to the darkness we will remember nothing of what we have seen. Importantly, all these facts are known to us.'